RDF installation started up.
Walair Separation systems has started up a new RDF installation in Romania. The installation has a capacity of 22t/h and a cubic weight of 225kg/m3. The Walair drum separator removes the heavy fraction of the input fraction before it reaches the secondary shredder. The heavy fraction consists of metals, stones, glass. This is very important because the heavy fraction can damage the secondary shredder, result high maintenance costs. For all the details of the Walair drum separator lite take a loot at the following link.
We received the following mail from our customer
Dear Mr. Nihot,
Please be inform you that the start up of drum separator was performed yesterday.
The immediate result was impressive , Compared with Hoghiz we have from the first minute a very good separation of the heavy parts without “good material” removed .
Please find enclosed several photos with the installation, we will come back to you with additional information (air speed on the duct fan-filter , measurement of the current for fan , drum, acceleration conveyor).
Thank you one again for your collaboration , we count on you for future support .
Best regards,
Madalina IORDAN