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Feeding optical sorter
Feeding the sortersWe notice that many of our customers do not know that you can optimally feed one or two optical sorters with a Walair drum separator.The operation of the optical sorter depends on a good dosage and a good distribution on the feeding belt. The most...
New MSW separator
New adjustment for the MSW Drum Separator Especially for the separation of MSW waste, Walair adjusted his well known 3-way drum separator. Because the fraction size of the MSW waste is changing, the MSW waste is separated in the original size more regularly and the...
Drum air separator
Walair Drum air Separator At places where it is not possible to place a Walair 3-way drum separator due to lack of space, Walair will install a drum air separator. The air drum separator divides a waste stream into three substreams, heavy, middle and light. A drum air...
The Blackbox
De BlackboxThe first Walair real mobile air separator is ready. In our drawingroom we call this project the Blackbox. We tried to finish this project in the last 2 years, but because of the amount of work, we couldn't finish our Blackbox production drawings. But...
New MSW installations
New MSW installations The separation of household waste (MSW) with the use of Walair air separation systems gets better known and is used worldwide regularly. With the use of Walair 3-way drum separators the necessary installation behind the air separation system is...
New CD/CDI installation
New CD/CDI installation Recently Walair recycling systems built a new installation in mid England. This installation is running building and demolition waste and industrial waste. The installation is made for a capacity of 40 t/h with a m3 weight of approx.. 400...
Resellers/sales agents
Looking for resellers/sales agents A few years ago we put a message on our website and public media. Because of this message Walair has found sales agents in Ireland, England, Romania, Turkey and Italy. This good result is the reason that we want to try and find new...
New RDF installation Brasil
New RDF Brasil Recently Walair delivered a separation installation to a customer in Sao Paulo Brasil. This customer collects i.a. garage waste. To separate en to reduce this waste Walair built a Drum Separator Lite and a secondary shredder to manage this process....
New Paper extraction system
Paper extraction systemsWalair still produces paper extraction systems. Walter Nihot form Walair is producing paper extraction systems for over 40 years and recently built a new paper dust extraction system for MPS Oss. The systems of Walair are frequently provide...