Paper extraction systems

Walair still produces paper extraction systems. Walter Nihot form Walair is producing paper extraction systems for over 40 years and recently built a new paper dust extraction system for MPS Oss. The systems of Walair are frequently provide with new adjustments that improve the product. Beside that the systems are also provided with the latest safety requirements.

Paper extraction systems

Recently a new paper extraction system at MPS Oss has been set into operation. At MPS drug manuals are printed. In the cutting department the paper waste is extracted by a central extraction system and transported by a strong paper transportfan to a rotating separator which is placed above a press container. The rotary separator dischagres the paper waste pressureless to a press container and the extracted air to a dust filter.


Dust filters

The dust filter cleans the extracted air and dust is discharged to the dust containers under the filter. Then the dust filterreturns the extracted air to the storehouse or extracts the air to the outside (summer situation). By returning the extracted air in the storehouse the heated air is recycled and no energy is lost.

Interested in the paper extraction systems? Walair builds paper extraction systems for 2 to 25+ machines.

For more details and photos and video of the Walair paper extraction systems we refer to the Walair website.

Published by Walter Nihot d.d. 14/01/2019